Become a tutor with Advantage

We Believe

Empowering others empowers ourselves

We believe the best investment of time and energy is into the education and development of the next generation. If you feel the same, we are always looking for high energy and high quality tutors throughout Arkansas. Whether you are a current or former teacher/instructor, a business professional, or even a high achieving student, we would love to connect with you!

Flexible work schedule. You set your own availability. 

Competitive pay.

Do inspiring work that matters in your community.

“My name is Jill and I attend the University of Arkansas. I began with Academic Advantage as a high school student studying for the ACT in Jonesboro. Because I knew they were a great company and could be flexible around my college course schedule, it was the perfect opportunity for me to work as a tutor in the Fayetteville and Bentonville area. Academic Advantage has been a crucial part of my academic journey and I am grateful to continue my experience across the state!”

“My name is Travis, and my time working with Academic Advantage was one to remember, to say the least. Having the opportunity to work with families and their students as they navigate the tricky waters of college prep, taking the ACT, preparing application materials, and simply being a student, was an honor for me. I am confident that Academic Advantage truly and deeply cares about the success of every student it works with. I am happy to have been a part of the team and will always feel like a member of the Academic Advantage family, as I am sure you and your family will as well. “

Get started

Please complete the form below as well as attaching a resume or reference letters you might have. We will contact you as soon as possible about an interview if you are a good potential fit for Advantage.

Max. file size: 300 MB.